"In the service of youth since 1949"
WAY makes sure that the voices of youth are being heard everywhere in the world. We have influenced laws, policies, and customs that helps youth to voice out their needs and issues. We get things done. Be a friend of WAY today and together, we can make a difference for youth and young people around the world!
To all our donors:
We would like to thank you for your valuable support to the World Assembly of Youth and the WAY AIDS FUND Campaign. Your contributions shall help us in our mission to develop a better world for youth.
More than twenty five years into the HIV/AIDS pandemic, it remains one of the most serious challenges to global public health. Almost a quarter of people living with HIV are under the age of 25 with young people aged 15-24 representing 45 percent of all new HIV infections. At least 95 per cent of all new infections occur in less developed countries—sub-Saharan Africa being the hardest hit region, followed by the Caribbean with Eastern Europe and central Asia experiencing some of the fastest growing HIV prevalence rates. In Eastern and Southern Asia, the numbers of infected people are staggering—in India alone, 2.4 million are infected with HIV. Throughout the world, almost 3500 youth ages 15 to 24 are infected with HIV each day. As an awareness campaign, the World Assembly of Youth is organising a matching gift program which aims to raise RM500,000.00 (USD 166,000.00) for WAY’s future programmes like the HIV counseling groups, HIV donation drives to clinics, and also for the expenses of using our volunteers and sending them to remote areas to raise awareness about HIV and also donate ARV treatments to those who cant afford. This method is a way of involving the stakeholders to share the responsibility with WAY by having an alliance with national governments, NGOs, bilateral donors, multilaterals donors, private sector, and media in a global community.
Project Funding
Events form a central part of the World Assembly of Youth - WAYs, activities through which information is disseminated to the youth. As a result WAY strives to engage youths by organising theme based events. These events provide a platform through which the youth can air and address the issues that affect them. The World Assembly of Youth would like to invite you to sponsor or partner with us as we strive to engage the youth and spread the word with regards to youth related issues. To this end, WAY has prepared the following events for the year 2019. For more details with regards to each event, please do click on the links and download the appropriate proposals and sponsorship forms.