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"In the service of youth since 1949"
The WAY General Assembly is the supreme organ of WAY. It determines the main lines of policy and assumes responsibility for the direction and administration of WAY.
The Assembly receives from the Executive Committee a report on the implementation of WAY policy and activities carried out by WAY since the previous Assembly. It decides on the future programmes of WAY and elects the Executive Committee.
The Assembly meets every four years and is convened by the Executive Committee. The Chairperson of the Assembly is the President of WAY assisted by five Vice Presidents.
Qualified delegates to the WAY General Assembly are the members of the World Assembly of Youth. In accordance with Article VI (C) of the WAY Charter: “Each member of WAY shall appoint up to six delegates to the Assembly. Members from countries whose populations exceeds 10 million may appoint one delegate for each additional 10 million or fraction of ten million, up to 16 delegates. Delegates shall be elected representatives of youth organisations. National youth councils should make every effort to ensure their delegations include both genders and half of the members are under the age of 30.”
To register, delegates are required to fill in the Delegate Registration and Accreditation Form, to be received by the WAY Secretariat by November 10, 2014. All delegates will receive their letters of accreditation by 1 October 2014. All accredited delegates are required to pay a registration fee of USD$ 200 by November 10, 2014. This will include food, accommodation and local transportation for the duration of the General Assembly. Some scholarships may be available for paid-up WAY members who are unable to raise the registration fees.
National and international organisations, governments, civil society organisations, United Nations agencies and other entities are welcomed as observers to the WAY General Assembly, subject to accreditation and endorsement by the Executive Committee. Observers may participate, without speaking or voting rights, in the open sessions of the General Assembly. Some closed sessions are not open to non-members.
All observers are required to register in advance by submitting the Observer Registration and Accreditation by November 10, 2014. All credited observers will receive their letters of accreditation by 1 October 2014 and are required to pay a registration fee of USD$300 by November 10, 2014. No fee waiver or scholarships are available for observers. The registration fee will cater for food, accommodation and local transportation for the duration of General Assembly.
Decisions made by the assembly are taken by a majority vote of the members present except where a different procedure is indicated in the Charter. Each full member, whose membership has been accepted in the Assembly, shall have one vote in the Assembly. Only those members who have paid all their membership fees since the last normal Assembly can vote.
Nominations for the positions of President, Vice-President and Executive Committee Member should be received by the Secretary General by November 10, 2014. The elections will take place during the WAY General Assembly. Only paid-up WAY members can nominate candidates for positions.
The selected theme for the sixteenth WAY General Assembly, to be held in Tirana, Albania is ‘Youth Leadership in Succession: Past and Future’. This theme has been chosen to draw attention to the importance of youth leadership-possession taking into consideration the fact that youth, worldwide, amount for approximately 3 billion people, making up almost half of the global population.
Never has it been clearer that young people hold a critical role in leading initiatives and developing policies especially when they make up such substantial portion of the overall world population. In fact, inclusion of young people in the design, implementation and evaluation of youth related development and leadership programmes, policies and services can ultimately result in more effective and sustainable solutions.
Thus, it goes without doubt that many programmes and policies developed should continue to focus on developing leadership skills in young people and encouraging their contribution and participation. Additionally, in order to achieve sustainable youth leadership, strong commitment, investment and support from young leaders and youth organizations is still required.
Acknowledging the significance and importance of youth-leadership World Assembly of Youth (WAY) hopes that exploring the issue during the XVI General Assembly shall be an appropriate platform to elevate all challenges related to youth-leadership, its development and advancement. Thereafter, Action Plans shall be developed and implemented at international, national and local levels.
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