"In the service of youth since 1949"

Apply for Membership
In accordance with Article IV and V of the WAY Charter, membership of WAY is granted as follows:
Full members of WAY are national youth councils which are representing a cross section of democratic, voluntary youth organisations in a country or territory, and which have ratified the Charter and are admitted by the Assembly by a vote of the majority of its members.
The Assembly has the power to admit national youth councils or national youth organisations, which are interested in regular co-operation with WAY, as associated members, provided that a member national youth councils of WAY does not already exist in the country in question.
Regional youth organisations with national youth councils as members may be provided consultative status. They shall be permanent invitees to the meetings of the Bereau and the Executive Committee without the right to vote.
The Executive Committee may admit international organisations, national youth councils and national youth organisations as observers, provided that a member national youth council does not exist in the country in question.
Apply for Membership
Any country that joins WAY is bound by the rules and principles of the World Assembly of Youth. All member countries should respect the fundamental human rights of all.
Benefits of being WAY member
Partaking in the effort of strengthening human rights locally, regionally and internationally.
Receiving outcome documents from all the events organised by WAY and the reports of WAY activities and administration.
Speaking and getting involved in the decision making at international level.
Contributing in the tackling of youth issues through campaign, dialogue or any other activities.
Subscribing WAY publication including press releases, bulletin and outcome documents from various activities.
Getting an invitation on all events organised and co-organised by WAY.
Getting an update on all activities, programmes, reports, surveys and news pertaining to young people and the issues they face.
Getting the sponsor or funding opportunity (if applicable) to attend events organised/co-organised by WAY.
Receiving reports on National Youth Councils, UN and its agencies on policies related to youth issues.
Duties of being a WAY member
To submit annual report, publication, and statistics on youth and relevant issues in their respective country and region.
To update contact details and send to WAY Headquarters.
To attend WAY events both national, regional, and international level organised/co-organised by WAY.
To inform WAY about their events or activities organised/co-organised by them.
To facilitate the collection of information about the needs and problems of youth in their country and region.
To collaborate with each other on the regional and international level through WAY platform for betterment of issues pertaining to young people worldwide.
To promote the interchange of ideas between member countries for the purpose of improving the well being of young people worldwide.
Membership application form can be found here:
Membership Application Form