"In the service of youth since 1949"
Youth and Leadership Training

It is common for young people to be faced with the responsibility of filling up leadership roles in important societal institutions. The drawback that then always hinders their progress is the lack of training regarding leadership roles. This often leads to the young people holding back in participating in or giving up their leadership roles due to the pressure associated with them, especially when one lacks the right training or experience. This issue affects communities in a great way because youths are the leaders of tomorrow, and preparing them for this role from a young age is essential.
A vast advantages and opportunities come with youth leadership training:
a. It empowers youth to have excellent problem solving abilities
b. It enhances their civic participation
c. It improves youth career aspirations and higher education achievements
d. it assists youth to become self sufficient and to be able to develop self- advocacy
e. Young people get an opportunity to learn about decision making skills, planning, educating others, and team work.
Various stakeholders have been working towards creating a large base of leadership trained youth. Organisations are organising programmes and activities with the main objective of equipping youth with leadership skills in order to maximise their potential, productivity, as well as contributing to the empowerment of new leaders.